Home Energy Audit

Home Energy Audit

Home energy consumption in the United States accounts for about one-fifth of all energy used yearly. The home uses an average of 893 kWh per month, primarily used for cooling and heating system or probably wasted through inefficiencies.

The good news is! Energy consumption can be reduced by improving energy efficiency. A home energy audit is the best way to find out where your home uses energy and assess where improvements are most needed to keep your home warm or cool at an affordable cost throughout the year.

Do I Need Home Energy Audit

If you are unsure if your home needs an energy audit, consider these questions: Does your home have inefficient heating or cooling? Are any windows cracked or damaged? Are there leaks in pipes or ducts? Do appliances use as much power as possible to operate effectively? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, then it’s time for a professional energy audit.

What To Expect

A typical home energy audit consists of an on-site inspection of all major components and systems inside your home to help determine how you can cut down your energy usage, improve comfort and indoor air quality. The auditor will look at insulation levels, heating and cooling equipment efficiency (and upgrades), ducts and vents, electrical system components, refrigeration/HVAC controls, and more. Experts will walk you through with their report detailing findings and provide recommendations for improvements.

Results of a home energy audit can help you make important decisions about how to improve quality of life but the exact impact will depend on the extent to which you choose to take action based on the audit’s recommendations.

Get Started

Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a home energy audit. We would be happy to help you save money and conserve energy!

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